Saturday, December 13, 2008
Things are so slow
Yesterday I went to my weigh in; the first time in 2 weeks. First I had Thanksgiving and then we were out of town. I was prepared for a gain but I lost.2. During the meeting we were going over the new plan and while we were doing that I realized that I needed to go down another point. Which when I said something to my leader she said that could possibly be the reason I've been ouncing along. I didn't have the guts to tell her that it could be that I'm haven't really been journalling or even being good at all. I was very surprised that I didn't gain. I have to find a way to get back on track and motivated again. So it is a good thing that the new year is just around the corner and the New Year is all about new beginnings.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Is it still losing when you feel you haven't?
Ok stupid question BUT.....this week I lost .4. We are talking 4 ounces but I still lost. I had one of the most stressful weeks this last week. I didn't do as much stress eating as I normally wouldv'e done I did however eat junk. Leftover Halloween candy, corn bread slathered with butter. One thing I did learn was that even though I did revert back to some of my old habits I'm learning to stop. Which I think is huge. One of the things I heard at a WW meeting was that you have to make this a life change because if you don't you will always be counting points. But if you make it a life style change then it is that a life style. I then don't have to always be obsessed I can just live. That sounds wonderful to me. Just living.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Lost 2.2
I've lost another 2.2 pounds. For the first time in a long time I can honestly say that I am VERY Pround of myself. I've finally started giving myself credit for what I've done. I have to admit it feels good. I've spent so many years of putting myself down and it feels so freeing to not do that. So if you are reading this tell yourself something positive about yourself. You are worth it!!! I am worth it!!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Small setback
Yesterday was my weigh in day. I've had to change my weigh in day again. I gained .8. I knew that due to the craziness of my life this last week I knew it was going to be up. i just can't seem to get motivated again. I feel the old me creeping up and just wanting to quit. I haven't been feeling well this last week and I know that this is contributing to my weight loss. I've had an allergic reaction to something and my eyes are all broke out. I look like a raccoon and they itch constantly. I'm miserable and it makes me feel awful. Excuses, Excuses I know. But life happens and right now I'm getting a huge dose of it. On top of not feeling well we've decided to start looking at buying a house. And of course just when we find a house we like the mortgage company we have been working with went under. Fun, Fun. The stress is just a wee bit more than I like. I know all the things I should be doing. Writing everything down, exercising. But all I want to do is have a big ooey gooey Cinnamon roll. See the old me rearing her ugly head.
Enough whining. I know what I need to do so I just need to do it.
Enough whining. I know what I need to do so I just need to do it.
Monday, November 3, 2008
27.7 total

I've been terrible about keeping my blog going. But in the last week I've been reevaluating things and realized I've let life get in the way of some things. So I'm committed to writing in my blog at least once maybe twice a week. Last week I lost another 2.2. I was actually surprised(as usual) for some reason I never think I do that well. But I've got to get back to writing everything down. Halloween was difficult with all the candy.
On Saturday we went and had professional pictures done. Which was huge for me and something we have never done. I was feeling so confidant until we got the proofs back. I loved them except for the muffin top I still have and in one picture the way I was standing it looks bigger and worse than I think it actually is. I say all this because I beat myself up so bad, I literally had a melt down of sorts. It took my hubby taking my before picture and holding it up to the pictures taken Saturday and pointing out the differences for me to realize that I have come along way. I guess I need to work on fixing some of the inside thought processes along with the outside. The picture above is one of the ones of me and my hubby. He is my biggest support group and I love him so much.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
25 pounds FINALLY!!
Well I finally lost 25 pounds. I thought I would never get there. There is one thing I can say about my weight loss and that is "Slow and Steady". My hope is that I will be able to keep it off. I also don't do everything I should do ALL the time. Take last weekend we hosted a football party and I blew it all day. But I still as soon as I can get right back on watching what I'm eating. I still tend to emotional eat, whether I'm happy, sad, stressed or just about any other emotion I want to eat. Old habits die hard.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
No it's not because of Halloween it is because I did gain. I knew I was going to gain I was going to be happy if it was under 2 pounds....well I gained .6 not even a full pound. So this is going to motivate me to do better at the things that I know I need to do. I had gotten lazy about journeling and I know I need to get back to doing consistently. I also need to remember that just because I'm walking daily that doesn't give me free will to eat all the junk I want. I always knew this but I was very lenient this last week. ALTHOUGH I made rice crispie treats I didn't eat the whole pan, I think I only had 2. I also made snicker doodle cookies I had 4 instead of 40. So even though they weren't the best of choices I did much better then I have normally. I'm not trying to make excuses:) Ok maybe just a few excuses.
OK enough about me and my troubles. At todays meeting we talked about Soup and different recipes. How we can mix and dump all kinds of ingredients and make tasty soups. I love soup and this is something that during the winter I make a lot of. Soup is a very healthy very filling staple to have on hand. So thankfully cooler wheather is upon us so get out your crockpots and cook up a good old fashioned pot of soup.
OK enough about me and my troubles. At todays meeting we talked about Soup and different recipes. How we can mix and dump all kinds of ingredients and make tasty soups. I love soup and this is something that during the winter I make a lot of. Soup is a very healthy very filling staple to have on hand. So thankfully cooler wheather is upon us so get out your crockpots and cook up a good old fashioned pot of soup.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A little frustrated
After my great last week I've had a BAD girl week. I guess I thought that I had done so well I could take a week and now I may have to pay for it. I go for weigh in tomorrow and for the first time in 17 weeks I just know I'm going to gain. My hubby scuffs and says you've said this before. But I made snickerdoodle cookies and rice krispie treats. That can't be good!!! But I'm still going to go and take my medicine like a big girl. No pun intended. I have started walking and I go with my hubby or with my boys during the day for their PE time. I do enjoy it but I'm not sure if it was enough to offset my sweet tooth this week. So I will drop back in tomorrow and up date you how I did.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Another loss
I went today knowing that I was going to gain and to my surprise I lost 1.6. I was totally surprised. That brings my total to 23.6. I hope that I can continue on and reach my 25 this next week. That would be AWESOME!!!! I did start walking this last week with 2-2pound weights. My hubby has been walking with me and the first night we did this we hadn't gone very far when I told him that my arms were killing me. My hubby told me to think of it like this I've lost almost 12 of those 2 pound weights. When I thought of it like that I had a bit more pep in my step.
Today at meeting we talked about how we can learn from our past mistakes. If we are honest with ourselves we have made many mistakes that hopefully we can learn from.
Some of the ones mentioned were:
Today at meeting we talked about how we can learn from our past mistakes. If we are honest with ourselves we have made many mistakes that hopefully we can learn from.
Some of the ones mentioned were:
- stick with it- even if you have a bad week stick it out.
- put yourselves 1st- I think this is one that women have the most trouble with. We take care of everyone else and forget about ourselves.
- portion control- I had no idea the amount of food I thought were normal portions. MEASURE!!!!
- Doesn't come off all at once- I didn't gain it all in one day so it isn't going to come off overnight.
- Forgive yourself- you are only human you will mess up so forgive and go on. Life Happens!
- choose your support wisely- If you have people who don't encourage you don't hang around these people. Not that they can't be your friends, but if they are going to encourage you to constantly go off your plan then limit the time that you are around them while eating.
- BUDDY- Have some sort of buddy, someone that you can turn to when you are feeling down or discouraged.
- Be prepared- rehearse what you are going to do in a situation. When you are going to a restaurant look up the menu know ahead of time what you are going to order. Practice saying it out loud for when it is time to order.
- Don't starve yourself- You have to put fuel in your body. If you don't your body will turn on you. Instead of losing it will hold on knowing that you are starving it. You have to do this in a healthy way.
- Lifestyle- This is a lifestyle change, don't do this for just a season, do this knowing that this is going to be a different way of living forever.
- You Can Do it- stamp this on your forehead. Don't give up..
- Good food- take time to learn what the good foods are,you might be surprised and find out you like things that you've never tried.
These were just a few of the things that were suggested. If I can look back on these I should be able to learn from my past. When I do this my future looks a lot brighter:)
L earn
E valuate
A ccept
R eap
N ever give up
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Another losing week!!
I know I've been very bad about posting lately. I've had a very exciting life going on. For those of you that know me know that excitement doesn't happen often:) On Sunday my SIL had her first child and I was fortunate enough to be able to be in the room the whole time. It was an amazing experience. So I've been busy helping her out and haven't had time to do much of anything else.
I did go to my weigh in today and I lost another 1.4 which brings my total to 22.2. I'm hoping I can be really diligent this week and hit 25. What I'm so proud about it that I've consistently lost every week. Some weeks have been small losses but I lost all the same.
Last weeks meeting was about negative thoughts. We've all had them, we all have them. They contribute to our image of ourselves. I know in the past it has hurt me. I've never thought much about myself. I was either too fat, too ugly too this, too that. Sometimes it helped,motivating me to do something about a situation. But mostly it just made me very unhappy. I tried very hard this week to not let negative thoughts control me. If I had a negative thought I would do or say something to remind myself of how far I've come. I would get out my weigh in book and look at how much I've lost. I tried on my fatter clothes, and marveled at how they were hanging off of me. I don't want to spend anymore wasted time on bad thoughts about myself.
This weeks meeting was about music and how it can affect how we feel. Let's face it if you hear up beat music you can't help but dance and move. Which when we move it will help us lose. So be a loser and turn the music on and DANCE!!! Live Life to it's fullest.
I did go to my weigh in today and I lost another 1.4 which brings my total to 22.2. I'm hoping I can be really diligent this week and hit 25. What I'm so proud about it that I've consistently lost every week. Some weeks have been small losses but I lost all the same.
Last weeks meeting was about negative thoughts. We've all had them, we all have them. They contribute to our image of ourselves. I know in the past it has hurt me. I've never thought much about myself. I was either too fat, too ugly too this, too that. Sometimes it helped,motivating me to do something about a situation. But mostly it just made me very unhappy. I tried very hard this week to not let negative thoughts control me. If I had a negative thought I would do or say something to remind myself of how far I've come. I would get out my weigh in book and look at how much I've lost. I tried on my fatter clothes, and marveled at how they were hanging off of me. I don't want to spend anymore wasted time on bad thoughts about myself.
This weeks meeting was about music and how it can affect how we feel. Let's face it if you hear up beat music you can't help but dance and move. Which when we move it will help us lose. So be a loser and turn the music on and DANCE!!! Live Life to it's fullest.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Another Fave
Well today was one of those days that lunch stayed with me for about an hour. I really was wanting something sweet. I had one of my Special K bars, which I love. But unfortunately it didn't do the trick. So I found myself rummaging through the cabinets. I saw the box of sugary cereal Cookie Crisp that I picked up today for my boys. It looked so good. So I checked the side of nutritional facts and was surprised to see it wasn't that bad. For 3/4 of a cup of dry cereal was only *2 points. So I quickly got out my measuring cup and found that it wasn't that huge of an amount but I could live with it. It tasted so good and took away the need for sweet. Tomorrow morning is my weigh in so I'm trying very hard to do my best.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Blowing it for one breif moment
Yesterday I hit my first mini goal of 20 pounds and last night I BLEW IT!!! It was actually very fun...I had a juicy cheeseburger for lunch and then we had Chinese for dinner. I enjoyed every bite. Then I had 3 reduced fat chips ahoy chocolate chip cookies. Which I would recommend not getting I didn't like those at all I would've rather had the real thing. Some things I'm not willing to sacrafice taste for lower calories. Next time I will just have the real thing just maybe only 1.
Today it is back to the plan and sticking to it. What was different this time is that I blew it and that was ok I forgave myself and got back on track today. I'm done with feeling guilty.
Tonight is movie night and I'm attempting to make a lower fat lower calorie pizza tonight for dinner. One that I like and my family likes without taking all my points for the day and them some.
Today it is back to the plan and sticking to it. What was different this time is that I blew it and that was ok I forgave myself and got back on track today. I'm done with feeling guilty.
Tonight is movie night and I'm attempting to make a lower fat lower calorie pizza tonight for dinner. One that I like and my family likes without taking all my points for the day and them some.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Whoo Hoo!!
Well I finally did it I crossed over the 20 pound threshold. The last few weeks have been so frustrating, baby steps is all I can say. But I lost every week and was consistant and persevered. I am hoping that by taking it so slow that it will stay off once and for all. I had to change my meeting time to Thursday's, I liked the leader and the ladies in the meeting but I still miss my Wednesday morning girls. Today in our meeting we talked about is 0 really 0? It was a reminder about figuring up our points and how to do it accurately. How if you have more than one serving you have to add it all together which can change a 0 point food to a 1 point food. Common sense, but sometimes you have to remind yourself of what you need to do.
I also had a young lady come up to me afterwards, she was someone that I would never guess needed to come to weight watchers. She was in my opinion skinny and beautiful. She then expressed to me that I was her inspiration for this week. She had to see the shock on my face, how could I who has so far to go be an inspiration to her who was so little and cute. She then when on to tell me that she is .2 away from her 20 and like me she has been inching along the past few weeks. She then told me that when she heard that I had had the same problem she felt confidant that she could keep going and next week will be her week to hit her 20. It felt good to be able to confidently give some advice about where I've been and where I'm going.
I'm also finally going to go get that pedicure....IT IS ABOUT TIME!!! But I've earned it. So I will be sure and tell you about how wonderful it is I may even post pictures.
Have a fabulous loser of a week.
I also had a young lady come up to me afterwards, she was someone that I would never guess needed to come to weight watchers. She was in my opinion skinny and beautiful. She then expressed to me that I was her inspiration for this week. She had to see the shock on my face, how could I who has so far to go be an inspiration to her who was so little and cute. She then when on to tell me that she is .2 away from her 20 and like me she has been inching along the past few weeks. She then told me that when she heard that I had had the same problem she felt confidant that she could keep going and next week will be her week to hit her 20. It felt good to be able to confidently give some advice about where I've been and where I'm going.
I'm also finally going to go get that pedicure....IT IS ABOUT TIME!!! But I've earned it. So I will be sure and tell you about how wonderful it is I may even post pictures.
Have a fabulous loser of a week.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Slow and Steady
That is my new theme. This weeks weigh in was...drum roll please..... .6. Not even a full pound. UGH!!!! I knew that this week was going to be touchy with the 3 day weekend I knew I hadn't done to well. But I'm so close to my 20 lbs. I also wore jeans today which I know makes some difference. I knew that week was coming when I wouldn't be able to wear my shorts and today we are rainy and cold. I keep saying everyweek that at least I'm losing. I just want it to come off a lot faster. But I also know that I'm going to have to work a lot harder. Probably going to have to do some sort of exercise. Ok I know I need to exercise. I just hate it so much. I have yet to find anything that I like to do. I do like to swim and I did it during the warm months but now we are getting into the colder whether. I would like to become part of the Y but finances make it to where we can't do that. Sounds like a whole lot of excuses to me. I need to just do something, anything at all would be good.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Another 2.6 LOST
I was totally shocked today to go to weigh in and find out that I've lost another 2.6 pounds. That makes my total at 18.6. After all the travelling I really didn't expect to lose. I really want to lose 1.4 more then I will be at 20 pounds. My reward to myself is a pedicure when I reach 20 pounds. My hubby, who is my greatest cheerleader said I should go ahead and get my pedicure. He says I've earned it. But I'm my worst critic and I feel that I would be cheating. So I will probably wait one more week and then next week get my reward pedicure I might even throw in a manicure. Oh Happy Day!!!!
Today at weight watchers meeting we talked about the various stages of hunger. Once again I was reminded that I very rarely let myself feel hunger. I'm getting better at listening to my body eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full. What a new concept:) I also purchased the new cookbook that weight watchers has published Best Eats recipes from members. Looks like some really good recipes. I look forward to trying them out. I'll let you know when I find my favorites.
Friday, August 22, 2008
I'm Still Here

I've been so out of things. I have been travelling for the last week. First my BIL got married so we had to travel for that. Then I was able to be at the birth of my new nephew. He was scheduled to be born via C-Section on Thursday and on Tuesday he decided he had other plans . So on Tuesday @ 2:21 Chase Anthony made his debut weighing in at 7 lbs 12oz, 20 inches long. He is the cutest baby, second only to my boys:) I came back home today. The bad part is that we ate horribly while we were gone we ate out for almost every meal. I tried very hard to make wise decisions but eating out is eating out. I also wasn't able to go weigh in so I have NO idea exactly how much if any that I gained. I'm going to do my best to go first part of next week. The best thing was at the wedding, which I was the maid of honor, family that hadn't seen me in quite awhile noticed the changes in me. That was such a great feeling.
I'm back in town and now I'm going to have to get back on track.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Another Weigh In
Today was weigh in day. .4 was my loss for the week. That puts my total at 16. This next five is going to come off slowly. This last week I was sick fighting an infection so I'm sure if I had felt better I would've done better and been more active. BUT as I said after my weigh in last week is I still lost. The last time I had a gain was week 3 or 4 so I'm going in the right direction. I'm still bummed and wished it had been more. I did however go do a little shopping today or should I say tried to do a little shopping. I tried on smaller sizes I got into a size 18 pant down from a 22. The problem I had was finding tops that I liked the 22/24 were way to big the 18/20 fit but were a little snug. So I left without purchasing anything (which made my hubby happy). The good thing was that I for the first time in a long time I wasn't totally disgusted by what I saw in the mirror. I also saw that I'm making progresss and in a few months I will go again and try on more clothes and be down even lower. Then my hubby won't be happy because I'm going to be ready to BUY:)
Friday, August 8, 2008
Happy Happy Friday
The last few days have busy,busy. We have been running like crazy and I'm so very tired. Which makes my eating crazy. Or should I say that leaves us eating fast food. So today I was running back to the airport for the 2ND time in the last 12 hours. UGH!! Anyways today on the way back home we stopped at Wendy's because I thought I can get a salad. I got the Mandarin Chicken salad I thought this was going to be a great choice. After I figured up the points with the added dressing and noodles and almonds I had a 12 point salad. It is still less than I would have had if I had my normal cheeseburger. It also hit home again that I need to always have my dining out companion with me. If I had known how much the noodles and almonds and dressing were going to add I would've made a different decision. As it is because I had to eat out for breakfast and lunch I only have 5 points left for the day and I'm hungry because the salad didn't go very far. I guess that is what my 35 extra points are for.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful fun filled weekend.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful fun filled weekend.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Weigh in Day!
Today was weigh in and I lost.6. I wasn't too bummed considering we've had pizza twice and one BBQ and we met some friends at Back Yard Burger. I also know that there will be those weeks where life just happens. I don't regret my week, I just very glad that I didn't gain:)
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Introducing exercise
I for one am the first one to say that I know that exercise will help and push this process along faster. BUT I HATE to exercise. Always have and probably always will. So my goal is to find something that I can do that I can at least tolerate. This week I've gone 3 times to walk in the pool. Yes I said walking in the pool. What I love about this is that I really enjoy being in the water, afterwards I know I have gotten a great workout and yet joints don't hurt. What I do is walk one direction then when you get a current going you walk in the opposite direction. Then you are walking against a current. Last night I threw in swimming a few laps as fast as I could. Actually I raced my boys. Which they thought was cool to have mom racing them.
I also got the best compliment from my boys. We went to my brother in laws house to his pool last night. I was taking my cover up off and they both said "Wow mom you can really tell you've lost weight" To me that was the best compliment ever. When your teenagers think you look good then that makes me feel great.
Tomorrow is weigh in day and I will report and let you know how it goes.
I also got the best compliment from my boys. We went to my brother in laws house to his pool last night. I was taking my cover up off and they both said "Wow mom you can really tell you've lost weight" To me that was the best compliment ever. When your teenagers think you look good then that makes me feel great.
Tomorrow is weigh in day and I will report and let you know how it goes.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Another 2.4 pounds!!!
I was so excited this morning when I went to my weigh in. I was so hoping that I would lose the last few pounds to put me at 15 and I DID IT!!! I'm at a total loss of 15 pounds in 8 weeks. Now my next goal is 20 pounds. At 20 I told myself I could get a pedicure. My feet are in desperate need of some attention so I hope it doesn't take to long to get another 5 pounds. I was so excited I don't even remember what we talked about at the meeting. Oh well there is always next week.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Smart Ones chocolate chip cookie dough sundae!!! Was wanting something tasty and sinful today. I had got this a couple of weeks ago and just hadn't tried it. SO GOOD!! Tasted like the real thing, which is always good.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Another New Favorite
Lean Cuisine Garlic Chicken Pizza. I tried this one today and it is so tasty. It is a little higher in points 8. But it is worth it. So if you are craving pizza or garlic this is a good one.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Ants...My first thought is tiny crawlers that make me itch and drive me crazy in the spring when it seems that they are after anything and everything. At our meeting this week we talked about a different kind of ANTS
Automatic negative thoughts.....when you stop and think about it negative thoughts are about the same as real ants. They drive you crazy and devour all positive. IF you allow it. So what can you do to change you negative thoughts? I've thought about it the last few days. I tend to get caught up in the things that I haven't done. Take this last weeks weigh in, I only lost .6. At first I was beating myself up, why didn't I do better? Why can't I lose this faster? When I should've reminded myself of exactly how far I've come. Some weeks are going to be small losses but it is still a loss. Some weeks I'm going to have big losses. I may even have a bad week where I actually gain. I can't judge myself by what the scale says. It is just a # after all. I'm a person who has taken charge and am doing what it takes to make positive changes. That my friends is a GREAT thing. I am very proud of myself.
So I challenge you to do whatever it takes to retrain your brain to think positive thoughts about yourself. Take a pad of post it notes put them by your mirror and every time you look in that mirror write something positive that you like about yourself and post it on the mirror. See how quickly you cover your mirror. Now you can "see" all that everyone else sees all the time.
Have a fabulous weekend!!!!
Automatic negative thoughts.....when you stop and think about it negative thoughts are about the same as real ants. They drive you crazy and devour all positive. IF you allow it. So what can you do to change you negative thoughts? I've thought about it the last few days. I tend to get caught up in the things that I haven't done. Take this last weeks weigh in, I only lost .6. At first I was beating myself up, why didn't I do better? Why can't I lose this faster? When I should've reminded myself of exactly how far I've come. Some weeks are going to be small losses but it is still a loss. Some weeks I'm going to have big losses. I may even have a bad week where I actually gain. I can't judge myself by what the scale says. It is just a # after all. I'm a person who has taken charge and am doing what it takes to make positive changes. That my friends is a GREAT thing. I am very proud of myself.
So I challenge you to do whatever it takes to retrain your brain to think positive thoughts about yourself. Take a pad of post it notes put them by your mirror and every time you look in that mirror write something positive that you like about yourself and post it on the mirror. See how quickly you cover your mirror. Now you can "see" all that everyone else sees all the time.
Have a fabulous weekend!!!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Ok I know you all have them, those clothes pushed way back in the back of your closet. Those clothes that are your someday clothes. Your smaller sizes. Well today I ventured into that part of my closet I picked out a pair of capri's and a shirt that didn't fit earlier in the summer(I know I tried). Took a deep breath and dared to put them on. First the capri's, could it be they went over my hips. Now the true test can I get them buttoned and zipped? YES. They buttoned right up and zipped the true test I COULD MOVE AND BREATHE:) Then came the shirt granted it was a tshirt but a much smaller size. I put it on and it was loose. So I wore this to church it's only half a day if I don't like the way it wears I can come home and change. I received more compliments and more people asking not have you lost but how much weight have you lost? The last few weeks I've been wearing my big and baggy so you really couldn't tell that a loss had taken place but today with clothes that fit you could tell. It felt so good and it gave me the much needed boost to keep going.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
1 more pound. Total loss 12 pounds.
First....BASEBALL is over!!!! This is good for me for so many reasons, I don't have to rush every night to get to the ball field in time just so I can sit and watch a game. This leads me to munch and not really pay attention to what I'm munching. All the munching kinda caught up with me. I lost 1 pound which I know is good I still lost but I'm hoping that now that ball is over I can get back into some sort of routine again. A routine that doesn't include munching at the ball field and can include some sort of exercise. Today I spent the day painting, my son's room and the hall way if I could do this everyday that would be a great workout.
At today's meeting we talked about eating patterns. Their are 3 different types of eating patterns, you have the ones that eat 3 square meals a day, then you have 3 meals a day + snacks, then you have those that graze. Which kind are you? I'm more of the 3 meals + snack. We talked about the positives and negatives of each type of pattern. It made me stop and think about not only the type of meals I'm having but more important what type of snack I'm having. If you aren't careful the snacks can sneak up on you and you can easily blow your day by too many snacks. But a good snack can prevent you from getting to hungry and over eating at your meal. I'm trying to learn and pay attention to my body and when it is telling me I'm hungry and more importantly when I'm full.
At today's meeting we talked about eating patterns. Their are 3 different types of eating patterns, you have the ones that eat 3 square meals a day, then you have 3 meals a day + snacks, then you have those that graze. Which kind are you? I'm more of the 3 meals + snack. We talked about the positives and negatives of each type of pattern. It made me stop and think about not only the type of meals I'm having but more important what type of snack I'm having. If you aren't careful the snacks can sneak up on you and you can easily blow your day by too many snacks. But a good snack can prevent you from getting to hungry and over eating at your meal. I'm trying to learn and pay attention to my body and when it is telling me I'm hungry and more importantly when I'm full.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Will Power Fading
I knew the day would come when my will power wouldn't be like it was the first week of this adventure. Well that day has come. I got off my game this last weekend and am having trouble getting back on track. I start the day off doing great and through the day, actually I make it through the hardest part of my day which is mid afternoon. Then evening comes and we start the running with, will it ever end. We are in the end of the season tournaments and I can't wait for it to be over. Anyways, I get to the ball field early in the evening around 5:30 will power intact, then the smells from the concession stand start to waft my way. I slowly feel my will power fade away. I bring my own snacks but they don't look or taste nearly as good as pretzels with cheese or nachos or a hot dog. Last night I caved and had nachos and to be honest they didn't taste as good as I thought they would. Then we got done with the ball games around 8ish and everyone was starving hungry so I called in chinese. I know horrible for you even if you aren't trying to lose weight. So I woke up this morning feeling sluggish and bloated, BUT have done well so far today. I just can't seem to get my excitement back in my spirit. But I keep taking one step at a time knowing that when I go to weigh in and I lose pounds I will be glad I kept going forward even when I didn't "feel" like it.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
4th caught up to me.
I went to my meeting today determined that I wasn't going to beat myself up much if I had a weight gain. Well I gained.2. I asked them if I could go strip down I'm sure my clothes weighed more than 2/10th's of a pound. So I wasn't too upset I just have to do better next week.
Today we had a guest leader and she talked about using the core plan. Which I have never thought about trying because quite honestly it scared me. 1. I don't really like a lot of the foods that are core. 2. I'm not for sure if I have the self control to stop when I'm full. But the way she presented it made me think I might be able to do it. I'm still going to keep on the flex for right now. When I get to the point that I'm in a slump and not losing I will try it. She talked about how switching it up can shake your system up enough to jump start metabolism. She also made mention of when do we know we are full? You eat until you need to take that first breath. You know when you are eating and you feel the need to take a deep breath. That's your body telling you that you need to stop you are full. So I'm going to try and listen to my body more and when it tells me stop I'm going to. That is after all what I'm after. The ability to control myself. If I can get that under control maybe I can beat this weight thing once and for all.
Today we had a guest leader and she talked about using the core plan. Which I have never thought about trying because quite honestly it scared me. 1. I don't really like a lot of the foods that are core. 2. I'm not for sure if I have the self control to stop when I'm full. But the way she presented it made me think I might be able to do it. I'm still going to keep on the flex for right now. When I get to the point that I'm in a slump and not losing I will try it. She talked about how switching it up can shake your system up enough to jump start metabolism. She also made mention of when do we know we are full? You eat until you need to take that first breath. You know when you are eating and you feel the need to take a deep breath. That's your body telling you that you need to stop you are full. So I'm going to try and listen to my body more and when it tells me stop I'm going to. That is after all what I'm after. The ability to control myself. If I can get that under control maybe I can beat this weight thing once and for all.
Monday, July 7, 2008
We just got through with the 4th and quite frankly I didn't do so well. On Friday I was doing so well...until my family got here. I had my Mom, brother and sis in law staying the weekend with us. On Friday we did the the traditional cookout with hamburgers(93%lean) and brats(turkey). I had done well all day so decided to treat my self to a hamburger AND CHEETOS....What was I thinking. I'll tell you what I was thinking...Those Cheetos look so GOOOD!!!! So I cheated with a cheetos:) OK so I'm not as funny as I think I am. Saturday morning I awoke thinking I'm going to do great, only to smell everyone making their breakfast of Eggo waffles and I just couldn't resist. So I splurged once again and had waffles with peanut butter and sryup, not the low fat kind, Oh no only the real deal would do for me. THEN we went to the movies. We saw "Hancock" which on a side note isn't all that good, especially if you have children. The language was awful. Yes I looked it up before we went and it said "mild language" I should've researched further. But that is another story. We went to the movies and I shared a large popcorn with my hubby and 2 boys. Then we came home and ordered PIZZA, stuffed crust pizza. I had 1 piece and savored every bite of it. Sunday came and we went out to eat at Chili's and I split fajita's with my husband. So I didn't do great but I didn't totally blow it either. I enjoyed things I don't normally have, really enjoyed them. I dipped into my extra points more than I normally do. So my goal this week is to NOT gain. If I lose at all I will be so very happy. But maintaining and not gaining is my goal. Today and tomorrow I'm being a VERY good girl and am hoping for the best.
I hope that everyone had a wonderfully, safe, family filled, fun 4th!!! Try saying that real fast.
I hope that everyone had a wonderfully, safe, family filled, fun 4th!!! Try saying that real fast.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Another 2.2 pounds!!!
Well I did first goal of 10 pounds has been reached. Actually I surpassed it by 1 pound. So my total weight loss is 11.2 pounds in one month. I would love to think I could keep this up and reach my final goal in 10 months. But I know I have to be realistic and I may not be able to keep it up at this rate. But I can work towards that.
Today at meeting we talked about getting through the 4th of July holiday. I'm having family in and we are going to grill and have lots of fruit. I'm sure I will dip into my extra stash of points, but it will be worth it. The boys are getting excited about fireworks. I'm looking forward to watching them enjoying the fireworks. I hope everyone has a safe and fun 4th.
Today at meeting we talked about getting through the 4th of July holiday. I'm having family in and we are going to grill and have lots of fruit. I'm sure I will dip into my extra stash of points, but it will be worth it. The boys are getting excited about fireworks. I'm looking forward to watching them enjoying the fireworks. I hope everyone has a safe and fun 4th.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
It's all good
I've had it pointed out to me today that I haven't updated lately. Things in my life have been crazy. I know people say that all the time, but I don't know how else to describe the things that have been going on. Tomorrow is my weigh in and I'm hoping that the craziness doesn't show up on my hips when I weigh in. I still have the same desire to munch when things get stressful. This last week though I've noticed that I've thought twice before I picked up what I was craving. I think that is a good sign. I even counted out my tator tots that we had at Sonic that way I would be able to know exactly how many points to count. It's funny how your perception changes. One month ago I wouldn't have thought twice about eating a whole order of tator tots or fries. Know here I am counting them out and being quited satisfied with a small amount. I also have hope that this time is going to be different and just maybe I will find myself accomplishing my goal. Maybe even exceeding it. Wouldn't that be wonderful!!!!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Kinda Bummed!!
I knew today's weigh in wasn't going to be as great as weeks past. Partly due to my back being out of whack this last week and literally I wasn't able to do anything. So my activity was almost nothing. Unless you can count sitting on the couch reading activity, which I don't think you can. I also had a stress full weekend on top of not being able to do anything. So at this weeks weigh in I only lost 1 pound. Which puts my total at 8.8 in 3 weeks. Still isn't bad but I so wanted to pass that 10 pound mark. I'm trying not to be to hard on myself. I have to remind myself that I didn't get like this over night so I'm not going to lose it overnight.
At today's meeting we talked about "Tricks of the Trade" ideas and suggestions from those who have gone before us and from us that were there on how to make it through this. As a group we came up with some good ones and then they suggested some more. The one that I took away from it was this is a lifestyle change not a quick fix. There can be no more "breaks" I can't decide today that I'm going to take a break for a few weeks and then get back on track. It won't happen. If I was physically sick and needed to take medication on a daily basis would I take a break from my meds? NO. So why should I treat my weight loss any differently? I am where I am because I took a break and obviously it didn't work out to well for me.
At today's meeting we talked about "Tricks of the Trade" ideas and suggestions from those who have gone before us and from us that were there on how to make it through this. As a group we came up with some good ones and then they suggested some more. The one that I took away from it was this is a lifestyle change not a quick fix. There can be no more "breaks" I can't decide today that I'm going to take a break for a few weeks and then get back on track. It won't happen. If I was physically sick and needed to take medication on a daily basis would I take a break from my meds? NO. So why should I treat my weight loss any differently? I am where I am because I took a break and obviously it didn't work out to well for me.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Stressful Weekend
This weekend was VERY stressful. Usually I would've headed straight for something, anything just to eat. Well I still did that but instead of eating something full of sugar and ooey gooey sweet and tasting oh so good, I had a healthier version of ooey gooey sweet but the key word here is healthier. The strange thing is that I made the right decision and I'm really proud of myself. I even was faced with the family getting milkshakes and I said NO. Even my husband said that he was so proud of my will power. So through this journey I'm learning some interesting things about myself one of which is that I do have more will power and strength then I had ever thought I had. I also thought before that I could never finish anything especially if it had to do with me. I will give and give to everyone else but I don't give a lot to myself, or even expect a lot from myself. But during this journey I've found that if I dig really deep it is there I just had to find it. Everyday I'm finding a little bit more of myself as I'm losing, hopefully a lot of myself :)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I LOST 4.4 !!!
Today was my weekly weigh in. I lost 4.4 which puts my total at 7.8. I am so happy and YES I'm proud of myself. At our meeting we talked about deteour's. They are going to happen, we get deteoured with vacation,family coming to visit etc. But we need to know what it takes for us to back on the right track (road). For me it is knowing that one slip up is OK but that doesn't mean I throw in the towel. In the past I would mess up and take a deteour and not even try to find the tow truck to get me back on the road. So for me this is huge to know that I don't have to be perfect all the time, go figure!!! So anyway when I deteour and eat something I shouldn't then as soon as that happens I need to do what I need to do. Get back on the road!!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
More Faves
These are some suggestions from my online weight watcher buddy.
Here are some other good snacks: Pretzels (points vary depending on what kind), Fiber One Bars (oatmeal & apple streusel and oatmeal and chocolate are the lowest in points - only 2!)For breakfast I have been having waffles (lowfat versions such as Special K) topped with 1/8 cup of low fat syrup and fruit like strawberries or blueberries. Yum yum!! Just a couple more suggestions for what is good!
Here are some other good snacks: Pretzels (points vary depending on what kind), Fiber One Bars (oatmeal & apple streusel and oatmeal and chocolate are the lowest in points - only 2!)For breakfast I have been having waffles (lowfat versions such as Special K) topped with 1/8 cup of low fat syrup and fruit like strawberries or blueberries. Yum yum!! Just a couple more suggestions for what is good!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. We celebrated with my wonderful husband by taking him out to Texas Roadhouse his favorite place to eat. I realized that every celebration usually takes place by going out to eat. I didn't want to have to say "sorry sweetie I know you have a right to go out to eat where ever you want but I can't control myself around all that wonderful bread". So I thought about my options I could 1.either go and totally blow it and eat whatever I wanted 2. Go and enjoy myself and make smart decisions dip into my extra points and just be smart. I chose to go with option 2. It worked, I was able to make smart decisions, cut my food in half and limit myself to the bread. I told myself only 2 pieces and I stuck to it. I enjoyed those 2 pieces immensely. I splurged a little more this last weekend that I normally would but I still am proud of myself. My husband had a wonderful Father's Day and that is really what it is all about.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Today was Tougher
Today we had a lazy Saturday that I usually love to have. But today was different,I had the munchies so bad. I tried to make wise choices and did really well. Even with dinner which I made the mistake of baking bread. Which has always been my downfall. I still counted my points for the bread,butter,and honey.This time as opposed to other times I stopped because even though it was amazingly great. I paired it with grilled chicken and a salad which helped. I didn't want to have to pay for it later. Paying for it would be in my weigh in. So even though it was rough I'm proud of myself for showing some restraint.
Movie Night
Last night the family and some friends of ours took our combined 5 boys to see The Incredible Hulk. Not as good as Iron Man but pretty good. Well I planned ahead using my points wisely throughout the day knowing I would want popcorn. Hubby and I split a large popcorn with butter on the top half. Not for sure how to count points for that. How about we say it was alot. But we didn't finish the popcorn or the drink. So I think I did "ok". But it felt good to splurge a little knowing that today I have to get back on track. Today is here and I don't feel like I have in the past "well you've already messed up why not start again on Monday?" I'm starting again today. It is a new day after all!!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Another New Favorite
Another snack item that I've discovered is 100 calorie pack Lorna Doone Shortbread cookie crisps. They taste just like shortbread cookies. Which I love!!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
My favorites and not so favorites
First I want to give a big shout out to a fellow weight watchers "friend" who has started her own blog Hey Heather!!!
I got to thinking today after I had tried my lunch of a Smart Ones, that I needed a way to keep track of what I have tried and what I did and didn't like. Today's lunch I didn't like which is what got be to thinking it would be nice if there was someplace that someone could go and say YES I liked this product. So as I try new things I'm going to post on here whether I liked it or didn't.
Smart Ones Weight Watcher meals, Liked the new fruit inspiration meals. I've tried the Mandarin Orange Chicken and the Pineapple Beef both are very good. The Chicken Alfredo was very tasty. Didn't like the Chicken Enchiladas Monterey. Maybe it was the mood I was in but the chicken was the stringy chicken and don't like that. So to me it didn't taste good.
Lean Cuisine- which is becoming my favorites. I liked the Panini bread sandwiches. Steak,chedder and mushroom Very Good. I've also been told the flat bread sandwiches are very good just haven't had a chance to try them yet.
100 calorie packages- haven't had one that I didn't' like. They all are good. It really tastes like you are getting the actual food it is just packaged in a portion that is perfect.
Hostess 100 calorie snack cakes- actually pretty good. I wasn't expecting to like it but I did. Don't expect a huge amount it is really more just like a bite but it gives you a little taste of a sweet. I tried the carrot cake.
I also liked the QuakerMini Delights- these are mini rice cakes with different flavors. I've tried the chocolate and the caramel drizzle. Just another good snack that gives you a little taste of sweet.
If anybody else has other low calorie suggestions please feel free to post them. I would rather know if something is worth trying.
I got to thinking today after I had tried my lunch of a Smart Ones, that I needed a way to keep track of what I have tried and what I did and didn't like. Today's lunch I didn't like which is what got be to thinking it would be nice if there was someplace that someone could go and say YES I liked this product. So as I try new things I'm going to post on here whether I liked it or didn't.
Smart Ones Weight Watcher meals, Liked the new fruit inspiration meals. I've tried the Mandarin Orange Chicken and the Pineapple Beef both are very good. The Chicken Alfredo was very tasty. Didn't like the Chicken Enchiladas Monterey. Maybe it was the mood I was in but the chicken was the stringy chicken and don't like that. So to me it didn't taste good.
Lean Cuisine- which is becoming my favorites. I liked the Panini bread sandwiches. Steak,chedder and mushroom Very Good. I've also been told the flat bread sandwiches are very good just haven't had a chance to try them yet.
100 calorie packages- haven't had one that I didn't' like. They all are good. It really tastes like you are getting the actual food it is just packaged in a portion that is perfect.
Hostess 100 calorie snack cakes- actually pretty good. I wasn't expecting to like it but I did. Don't expect a huge amount it is really more just like a bite but it gives you a little taste of a sweet. I tried the carrot cake.
I also liked the QuakerMini Delights- these are mini rice cakes with different flavors. I've tried the chocolate and the caramel drizzle. Just another good snack that gives you a little taste of sweet.
If anybody else has other low calorie suggestions please feel free to post them. I would rather know if something is worth trying.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Weight Loss 4.4!!!!
The first week is over and I lost 4.4 pounds. I know I should be happy and I am I just wish it had been more. But I didn't put it on overnight so I'm not going to take it off overnight. Right? I do wish that there was a magic pill that I could take but until that is invented I'm just going to have to do it the old fashioned way. WORK MY BUTT OFF!!! Literally:)
In our meeting today we talked about indulging ourselves. Is it something that we should do? My first thought was NO because I was thinking along the lines of food. Let's face it I wouldn't be in this situation if I hadn't indulged myself. But we talked more of the indulgences that we should take. Time for ourselves. Doing those things that we like to do. Most of us were women, Moms mostly. Most of us didn't know what we would enjoy doing. So I thought about it today. What ways can I indulge myself. I love pedicures and manicures. So way can't I when I accomplish one of my goals treat myself to one. Then there are things that I can indulge myself in that don't cost anything. Reading, I love to read so why not take 30 minutes a day just to read. Watching my favorite shows, tape them and then watch them without feeling guilty or while doing laundry. It definitely gave me something to think about. It also made me realize that it is time that I do indulge a little in life. ENJOY!!!
In our meeting today we talked about indulging ourselves. Is it something that we should do? My first thought was NO because I was thinking along the lines of food. Let's face it I wouldn't be in this situation if I hadn't indulged myself. But we talked more of the indulgences that we should take. Time for ourselves. Doing those things that we like to do. Most of us were women, Moms mostly. Most of us didn't know what we would enjoy doing. So I thought about it today. What ways can I indulge myself. I love pedicures and manicures. So way can't I when I accomplish one of my goals treat myself to one. Then there are things that I can indulge myself in that don't cost anything. Reading, I love to read so why not take 30 minutes a day just to read. Watching my favorite shows, tape them and then watch them without feeling guilty or while doing laundry. It definitely gave me something to think about. It also made me realize that it is time that I do indulge a little in life. ENJOY!!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Still going!!
It's been a few days since I posted. Things have been incredibly crazy. It is summer and I'm the mom to 2 boys so therefore we are living at the ball field. Tomorrow is my first weigh in. I feel like I've done really well so we will find out tomorrow. My problem has been getting all of my points in. So I'm going to have to work on eating just enough, not too much and definitely not to little. I'll be checking in tomorrow to report the weight lost.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Day 3 And 4
Ok so I didn't get a post done yesterday it was an amazingly crazy day. But I did have a very successful day. Not only did I stick to the program but I made a very wise decision. My husband called before lunch and said he was craving Chinese food. He said he would pick it up on his way home from work. Which normally woul've excited me because I wasn't going to have to fix dinner. But this time I had to tell him that I would have to check and see what I could have. So I planned ahead. Checked out what I could and couldn't eat. I also found out that white rice is better for me than fried rice. go figure anything with fried in the title wouldn't be good for me. I also did something I've never done, I measured out my food. Which for me is a big thing. I usually just guess it. So I gave myself a huge pat on the back. It is after all the little victories that eventually get us to our ultimate goal.
Tonight we have ball games and I've already pre packaged my sunflower seeds so that I won't get carried away and eat the whole bag. The big test is going to be resisting the Dr.Pepper. At the ball field they have this crunchy ice that is so good with Dr. Pepper. I wish I could make myself like Diet Dr. Peppper. But even with that I'm planning ahead, I've made orange ice tea. I should be able to resist.
Tonight we have ball games and I've already pre packaged my sunflower seeds so that I won't get carried away and eat the whole bag. The big test is going to be resisting the Dr.Pepper. At the ball field they have this crunchy ice that is so good with Dr. Pepper. I wish I could make myself like Diet Dr. Peppper. But even with that I'm planning ahead, I've made orange ice tea. I should be able to resist.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Day 2
Well I've made it through my first day of doing the point thing. I've realized that I need to go grocery shopping. I have way to much junk food and not enough healthy stuff. So I spent most of today hungry. But I didn't give in to it. So pat myself on the back. I know that I will as time goes by get used to the restricted food. Tomorrow I'm having dental work done so that should help me not eat.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Day 1
Well today I took the first step in my battle of the bulge. For years I have fought my weight, going up and up and down and then up again. After much thought I decided I was ready to make a change. For ME, not any one else. So I started going to weight watchers. I've done this two times before and always quit. Always good reasons (of course) but none the less I quit. This is a program that is easy and I feel I can if I put my mind to it stick to. This won't be easy but then again it has taken me almost 20 years to get to this point. This blog is going to be one of my accountability partners. I've put it out there on the web so I have to keep it up. I'm going to blog my day to day life as I battle the highs and lows of this journey. So if you have stumbled onto this blog welcome and join me as I once and for all conquer my addictions. I'm going to post a before picture. As I go I will update picture and amount loss. I'm not ready to list how much I weigh but when all is lost I'm sure I won't mind sharing.
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