Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another Fave

Well today was one of those days that lunch stayed with me for about an hour. I really was wanting something sweet. I had one of my Special K bars, which I love. But unfortunately it didn't do the trick. So I found myself rummaging through the cabinets. I saw the box of sugary cereal Cookie Crisp that I picked up today for my boys. It looked so good. So I checked the side of nutritional facts and was surprised to see it wasn't that bad. For 3/4 of a cup of dry cereal was only *2 points. So I quickly got out my measuring cup and found that it wasn't that huge of an amount but I could live with it. It tasted so good and took away the need for sweet. Tomorrow morning is my weigh in so I'm trying very hard to do my best.

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