Monday, January 5, 2009
New Year New Me
This is the first year that my new year's resolution isn't to get on some kind of program to lose weight. This is because I'm already doing it:) I've been out of the loop and haven't been able to go to WW meeting in 2 weeks but I will be going this week. So I've challenged myself to do get "obsessed" again. Doing all the things that I know I need to do one of which is journaling. I'm also going to start getting busy and moving. I'm going to try different things to find what it is that I like to do. Because if you've followed my story at all you know I HATE working out. I also know that I won't go much further with weight loss if I don't move it move it. I received for Christmas a MP3 player so I don't have the excuse of no music while working out. I've thought of all kinds of excuses NO MORE!!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Things are so slow
Yesterday I went to my weigh in; the first time in 2 weeks. First I had Thanksgiving and then we were out of town. I was prepared for a gain but I lost.2. During the meeting we were going over the new plan and while we were doing that I realized that I needed to go down another point. Which when I said something to my leader she said that could possibly be the reason I've been ouncing along. I didn't have the guts to tell her that it could be that I'm haven't really been journalling or even being good at all. I was very surprised that I didn't gain. I have to find a way to get back on track and motivated again. So it is a good thing that the new year is just around the corner and the New Year is all about new beginnings.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Is it still losing when you feel you haven't?
Ok stupid question BUT.....this week I lost .4. We are talking 4 ounces but I still lost. I had one of the most stressful weeks this last week. I didn't do as much stress eating as I normally wouldv'e done I did however eat junk. Leftover Halloween candy, corn bread slathered with butter. One thing I did learn was that even though I did revert back to some of my old habits I'm learning to stop. Which I think is huge. One of the things I heard at a WW meeting was that you have to make this a life change because if you don't you will always be counting points. But if you make it a life style change then it is that a life style. I then don't have to always be obsessed I can just live. That sounds wonderful to me. Just living.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Lost 2.2
I've lost another 2.2 pounds. For the first time in a long time I can honestly say that I am VERY Pround of myself. I've finally started giving myself credit for what I've done. I have to admit it feels good. I've spent so many years of putting myself down and it feels so freeing to not do that. So if you are reading this tell yourself something positive about yourself. You are worth it!!! I am worth it!!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Small setback
Yesterday was my weigh in day. I've had to change my weigh in day again. I gained .8. I knew that due to the craziness of my life this last week I knew it was going to be up. i just can't seem to get motivated again. I feel the old me creeping up and just wanting to quit. I haven't been feeling well this last week and I know that this is contributing to my weight loss. I've had an allergic reaction to something and my eyes are all broke out. I look like a raccoon and they itch constantly. I'm miserable and it makes me feel awful. Excuses, Excuses I know. But life happens and right now I'm getting a huge dose of it. On top of not feeling well we've decided to start looking at buying a house. And of course just when we find a house we like the mortgage company we have been working with went under. Fun, Fun. The stress is just a wee bit more than I like. I know all the things I should be doing. Writing everything down, exercising. But all I want to do is have a big ooey gooey Cinnamon roll. See the old me rearing her ugly head.
Enough whining. I know what I need to do so I just need to do it.
Enough whining. I know what I need to do so I just need to do it.
Monday, November 3, 2008
27.7 total

I've been terrible about keeping my blog going. But in the last week I've been reevaluating things and realized I've let life get in the way of some things. So I'm committed to writing in my blog at least once maybe twice a week. Last week I lost another 2.2. I was actually surprised(as usual) for some reason I never think I do that well. But I've got to get back to writing everything down. Halloween was difficult with all the candy.
On Saturday we went and had professional pictures done. Which was huge for me and something we have never done. I was feeling so confidant until we got the proofs back. I loved them except for the muffin top I still have and in one picture the way I was standing it looks bigger and worse than I think it actually is. I say all this because I beat myself up so bad, I literally had a melt down of sorts. It took my hubby taking my before picture and holding it up to the pictures taken Saturday and pointing out the differences for me to realize that I have come along way. I guess I need to work on fixing some of the inside thought processes along with the outside. The picture above is one of the ones of me and my hubby. He is my biggest support group and I love him so much.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
25 pounds FINALLY!!
Well I finally lost 25 pounds. I thought I would never get there. There is one thing I can say about my weight loss and that is "Slow and Steady". My hope is that I will be able to keep it off. I also don't do everything I should do ALL the time. Take last weekend we hosted a football party and I blew it all day. But I still as soon as I can get right back on watching what I'm eating. I still tend to emotional eat, whether I'm happy, sad, stressed or just about any other emotion I want to eat. Old habits die hard.
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