Wednesday, July 9, 2008

4th caught up to me.

I went to my meeting today determined that I wasn't going to beat myself up much if I had a weight gain. Well I gained.2. I asked them if I could go strip down I'm sure my clothes weighed more than 2/10th's of a pound. So I wasn't too upset I just have to do better next week.
Today we had a guest leader and she talked about using the core plan. Which I have never thought about trying because quite honestly it scared me. 1. I don't really like a lot of the foods that are core. 2. I'm not for sure if I have the self control to stop when I'm full. But the way she presented it made me think I might be able to do it. I'm still going to keep on the flex for right now. When I get to the point that I'm in a slump and not losing I will try it. She talked about how switching it up can shake your system up enough to jump start metabolism. She also made mention of when do we know we are full? You eat until you need to take that first breath. You know when you are eating and you feel the need to take a deep breath. That's your body telling you that you need to stop you are full. So I'm going to try and listen to my body more and when it tells me stop I'm going to. That is after all what I'm after. The ability to control myself. If I can get that under control maybe I can beat this weight thing once and for all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just think of this way. At least you didn't gain that much. .2 is not too bad,it could have been worse.

I have thought of the Core Plan but don't think that I would stick with it as well. I have a big family and things are going really well with the Flex Plan, for them and for me. Like you said, I don't like some of the foods that are on it and I don't like to be told what to eat and what not to eat. I am a very flexible type person and don't like super strict structure. I think that that is why I like WW so much!You can eat but just have to watch your portions.You just have to make the wise food choices too.