Wednesday, July 16, 2008

1 more pound. Total loss 12 pounds.

First....BASEBALL is over!!!! This is good for me for so many reasons, I don't have to rush every night to get to the ball field in time just so I can sit and watch a game. This leads me to munch and not really pay attention to what I'm munching. All the munching kinda caught up with me. I lost 1 pound which I know is good I still lost but I'm hoping that now that ball is over I can get back into some sort of routine again. A routine that doesn't include munching at the ball field and can include some sort of exercise. Today I spent the day painting, my son's room and the hall way if I could do this everyday that would be a great workout.

At today's meeting we talked about eating patterns. Their are 3 different types of eating patterns, you have the ones that eat 3 square meals a day, then you have 3 meals a day + snacks, then you have those that graze. Which kind are you? I'm more of the 3 meals + snack. We talked about the positives and negatives of each type of pattern. It made me stop and think about not only the type of meals I'm having but more important what type of snack I'm having. If you aren't careful the snacks can sneak up on you and you can easily blow your day by too many snacks. But a good snack can prevent you from getting to hungry and over eating at your meal. I'm trying to learn and pay attention to my body and when it is telling me I'm hungry and more importantly when I'm full.


Me and My Boys said...

Woo Hoo! That is great!!

Me and My Boys said...

Woo Hoo!!! That is great!

Anonymous said...

Hi Trish,

I saw your comment on my blog and came here to answer your question.My goal weight is 135 pounds but my next gaol was to lose another 10% of my weight, which is 137. So I need to lose about 12.4 pounds to get to that and 14.4 to get to my goal weight.

Hope that you all are doing well!

Congrats on the weight loss this week!

Heather L.